Our History
Roger Garland Sr. grew up in Bartlett and has always enjoyed his time in the outdoors. While in school he would cut and stack pulp and firewood for landowners to earn some extra spending money. After Roger graduated Kennett High School in 1962 he worked for a construction company gaining knowledge on heavy equipment use. During those years he acquired a 420 John Deer Crawler with a winch and started logging nights and weekends. In the late 60’s he purchased his first cable skidder and his excellent logging reputation enhanced.
Garland Lumber Company Incorporated was established in 1975 as a full time business. The company then expanded beyond forest management into road construction, and developing. Roger Garland Jr. came on board in 1991 after graduating from the University of Southern Maine with a BS in Business Administration. In 1993 the family business acquired trucks and Garland Transportation was established. Garland Lumber and Transportation cover New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and our trucks internationally haul.
Roger Jr. and Roger Sr. split the duties of overseeing more than 50 employees whose jobs vary from logging, trucking, construction, a full time maintenance shop, a log concentration yard in Tamworth, New Hampshire and a log sorting yard in Bethel, Maine.
One of the unique qualities that contribute to Garland’s success is the flexibility of the seven logging crews. We are able to mix and match our employees and equipment to meet individual landowner’s site conditions and objectives. This shows the pride Garland Lumber puts into every job. We currently manage approximately 2,000 acres for sustainable forestry and employ a licensed professional forester, Karla Allen to help work with landowners and foresters.
Garland Lumber is well staffed and equipped to handle a variety of jobs with over 45 years of experience and is active in the forest industry and education. We have a number of certified loggers and are striving to certify everyone. As a company we are always looking to improve. Roger Sr. is vice chair of the Timber Harvest Council and Roger Jr. is on the New Hampshire Timberland Owners Association Policy Committee Board. Karla Allen is on the New England Lumberman’s Association Board, the Project Learning Tree Board, and active with the conservation commission and American Tree Farm Association. Karla is also currently the Town Forester for Greenfield, NH.